A Huge Achievement

A Huge Achievement

How do you go about evaluating and reflecting on such an awesome achievement as You, Me and My Voice 2019 was... more to the point how do you go about thanking everyone involved? From mastermind Natalie Palin to get stuck in there Jennifer Noice’s practical experience, thanks might pop up a lot through this blog and actually, through my everyday living for a very long time! Time to put our feet up and celebrate!

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Is it Time to Panic?

Is it Time to Panic?

The rehearsal today took us to South Devon College, a place close to my heart and close to the heart of You, Me and My Voice. After discussing that we only have this rehearsal and one more before we will be showing back at the Ideas Lab (a scratch platform for local original theatre makers and companies) at the Theatre Royal Plymouth, well, it's weird... shouldn't I be really panicking? 'Maybe', I thought to myself, that panic will come later in the rehearsal.

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