A Thank-you Letter/A Love Letter – Addressed to Many
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

A Thank-you Letter/A Love Letter – Addressed to Many

Dear Squeezy Team (for that is what we are called now courtesy of Care Centred brilliant Shelley – the work producer)The most amazing week has flown by, in fact, the most joyful and perfect project has zoomed past…. From the excitement we all shared through the build-up, to the magical making process and each emotional performance. Coming together the care we have for each other allowed our creativity to flow so beautifully. Over many reflection sessions, I question how we can figure out just how the Squeeze Box journey has been so joyful, full of laughter and happiness, and yet super productive – the epitome of process! One of many fond memories I have is walking into MakeTank on performance day and being astounded as to how this team has transformed an empty space into colour, depth, engagement, excitement, quality and so much more, in just a couple of days… then thanking my lucky stars I have another whole day in the company of you all.

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There is a Distinct Possibility that We Were not All Going to Come Back – Lab 3, Belgium Bound Part 1: Ghent
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

There is a Distinct Possibility that We Were not All Going to Come Back – Lab 3, Belgium Bound Part 1: Ghent

Déjà vu – that is not quite the phrase I need but all through lab 3, I had the same kind of feeling. Maybe more like stepping into a mirror and looking back, or a shiver I couldn’t shake. Like the society you left behind (in this case, for 4 days) seemed to have everything backwards or upside down – we spend so much time working out which way is up, everything seems to continue to look down, (or more importantly) there is so little left to support the community who need it the most. ‘The grass is always greener’ effect was strong and I am totally aware of it, Belgium has significant social and political turmoil, but culture and community is robust and well invested in, the discord seems to bring individuals and community with it…

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Nourishment for The Mind – Destination Cairo
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

Nourishment for The Mind – Destination Cairo

If Lab 1 at Hawkwood was soul filling, this experience was more about fuelling energy for critical thinking and reflection! Very much a roller-coaster of emotion, but held and happy, sometimes feeling excited and energised and sometimes like a 10-year-old being presented with Disney Land tickets. There were some significant bumps and interesting moments along the way to do with accessibility and tiredness, but I did have the most epic time and massive thanks to my creative enabler team Jen and Dilys. Shout out needed to Dan and Nene for being the amazing organisers, the wider supporting network and my fellow fellowshipers.

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Personal Development, Ambitious Planning and Werewolves
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

Personal Development, Ambitious Planning and Werewolves

More please from ACE, the British Council and fellow foundations/independent funders for artists. For creative process and practise to truly flourish, artists from multiple disciplines need opportunities to be together – time and space to talk. My resilience and belief as a South-West based live performance artist has shot through the roof because of the fellowship and lab one has demonstrated how creative people are building a thriving community! I very excited for my mentoring sessions to begin with Quarantine and look forward to lab two in Egypt…

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Taking Another Route
Creative Journey Hugh Malyon Creative Journey Hugh Malyon

Taking Another Route

Here’s one for you: British Council, Arts Council England and Jerwood Arts walk into a room… No that’s not the way to begin this blog… something like ****hell, I can’t believe it, Am I dreaming? – No, I’m not because that pinch hurts, wow, wow, wow…Actually, I think my response was ‘No bloody way’ with a massive grin during a very classy zoom with the main producer of this mindboggling opportunity. It is always rewarding getting a yes after days of grafting an application and then cutting words, only to add more sentences and then finally, actually understand the question and to start over again...But to be told by a fellow human being that your words resonated with them and then 10-panel members, well I think it puts everything off to a good start!

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