Taking Another Route
Creative Journey Hugh Malyon Creative Journey Hugh Malyon

Taking Another Route

Here’s one for you: British Council, Arts Council England and Jerwood Arts walk into a room… No that’s not the way to begin this blog… something like ****hell, I can’t believe it, Am I dreaming? – No, I’m not because that pinch hurts, wow, wow, wow…Actually, I think my response was ‘No bloody way’ with a massive grin during a very classy zoom with the main producer of this mindboggling opportunity. It is always rewarding getting a yes after days of grafting an application and then cutting words, only to add more sentences and then finally, actually understand the question and to start over again...But to be told by a fellow human being that your words resonated with them and then 10-panel members, well I think it puts everything off to a good start!

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