Welcome to the Squeeze Box Digital Archive - barely scratching the surface

October 2023, We transformed a non-traditional creative shopfront space into an ultimate expression of care, companionship and disability as positive identity. This page aims to gather insight, catches and feedback from this extraordinary creative journey. It is likely put together, but we can send you more images, video, testimony, reflections etc - We did not stop capturing the work, artists thoughts and audience’s feedback. Squeeze Box 23 was informed by a rich R&D, testing out concepts of projections, performance and sound creations, all live and in the moment. You can read more about how the artists brought concept to life here.

The We: a collaboration of projection artists, musicians, videographers, live performers and writers who are experimenting, perfecting and reflecting with sound, projection, performance and live installation/duration. Squeeze Box explores disability, voice, care, rage and support; protesting objectifying medical/social assessments whilst celebrating individuality and dependency.

Official Trailer - Please do feel free to share

The idea that a live audience are extra bodies within the space and integral to the performance. All individuals come with their own unique lived experiences, opinions, feelings and responses and we are interested in what unites us. Maybe a universal experience witnessing or interacting with care giving and receiving/support giving and receiving. ‘Could you just…’ is a start of an offer that empowers the audience … being asked to help gives permission to help and be involved thus creating a sense of commonality…

Audience responses

  • Definitely a thing worth seeing more than once

  • The performance needs to be experienced by all!

  • ‘Love how open it is to interpretation. As an audience we are always thinking’

  • ‘Something about the space… I just wanted to play and get involved’

  • ‘Really thought provoking. Incredible work’ 

  • A brave and generous glimpse of the kaleidoscope of being alive

  • The relaxed, accessible nature of the space was brilliant to watch and be in too.

  • I 100% experienced joy! Thank you! The Squeeze Box experience is a journey with so many feelings and I was completely engaged I felt a connection with the narrative but also the people

    Follow this link for more written feedback gathered at MakeTank 2023

The universal experience of breathing is both inherently shared and deeply personal
— Artists reflection

A relaxed space and atmosphere, not a relaxed performance

In creative spaces, I am always doing something, writing, moving or creating with my hands...so why do we expect the audience to sit still?
— Artist reflection

Within the live experience, Squeeze Box directly addresses the reality of social care cuts, directly reaching the essence of what it is like to be squeezed into a box – leaving behind identity, self-worth & spirit. Therefore, Squeeze Box is not a completely relaxed performance, yet has many ‘relaxed aspects incorporated into the work. The creativity embodies care, companionship and access, determined to showcase beyond this one dimensional view of disability. By putting these values at the heart of the space, the work is enhanced massively - access measures are not an addition, they are essential, informing the work at every stage, including:

  • an audience welcome which foregrounds the ‘rules’ of the space with an offer to make a name badge which also indicates the level of interaction the individual feels comfortable with

  • artist/performer presence in the welcoming space from onset - gently introducing the idea of questions and working together to negotiate space. Audience members can position themselves wherever they want including a chill out space, sitting on bean bags, standing or even lying

  • Access kit available at all times with fidget toys, ear defenders and opportunities to doodle/write/draw

  • Creative enablers who have been embedded in the process

  • Signs, support dog stations, a separate space, doors left ajar/audience informed that they can come and go as they please etc

Squeeze Box is a field review of disability theory, with conversation workshops, material to touch sounds, objects, texts…. and our main research tool, performance!

The make offer came directly from a mini workshop-series of the theme of identity, self-expression, telling your own narrative, disability as self-identity and a tool to start conversation about what is disabling about being disabled.