Jerwood Arts Bursary – Professional Development R&D

This ongoing bursary programme has initiated my creative development to national conversations. This bursary supports me to collaborate with relevant networks, building direct, symbiotic relationships with open-minded organisations. In-so-doing, I will develop future artistic practise, identifying new platforms to scratch/tour work, production and access support. We are currently having meaningful conversations unpicking the reality of supporting disabled artists, promoting good practise, establishing frameworks and methods for embedded accessibility within practise. This initial dialogue and sharing of resources have already begun to make ripples, creating a more cohesive and consistent language of accessibility.

Numerous discussions (email/skype responding to the current climate) have continued with organisations championing accessibility and diversity within the arts. It has been rewarding to have such supporting interest and feedback from forward thinking organisations and this bursary will (when safe to do so) provide the funding for me to undertake R&D and face-to-face meetings with representatives of key organisations in the London area.

The initial plans for this exploration into accessibility and live practises has been halted by Covid-19 – physical exploration of these embedded and supportive organisations is impossible in this current climate and Jerwood has worked with me to adapt the journey of this bursary. I have utilised some of the funds to continue work with my project manager Nathalie Palin and accelerated plans to create an online space to reconnect and showcase my work.

Despite having to postpone this exploration, a portion of the bursary is safely put aside to allow for a smaller, yet still meaningful, R&D which will be used in the summer 2021!

three images, 1. a grand old looking building with blue skies 2. The words Somrthing to Aim For in small above the word STAF, white on black background. 3. A sketch building with protest banners reading ART and LIVE.

Battersea Arts Centre, Something to Aim For, Live Art Development Agency


Reimagining workshop possibilities for hybrid generations


Building firm foundations and shaping practise