Live Practice when We are Forced Online – Goodluck with That?
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

Live Practice when We are Forced Online – Goodluck with That?

No Galleries, No Theatres, No creative spaces – not even outdoor live events or interventions – a tough period for live practice and the arts in general just got more impossible! The reminder of how everything shut overnight is probably to welcome at the moment but to tell the story of these two extraordinary opportunities needs to be set in the backdrop of Lockdown. It is said that artists work is like an iceberg, the bit that audience see is a small percentage of the work being put in. Yet, for me this imagery is more then just us artist wanting recognition for all the background paperwork, application writing, marketing and self-promotion, networking etc etc etc…..No, I think the iceberg also demonstrates that the little bit above water that can be observed, interactive with and critique is not necessary the most vibrant and alive piece. Speaking from the way I’m aiming to create, ‘the practice’ (the act of putting my creativity into motion – there will be a lot more on what the practice means just bear with me for now), can only be realise if my energy is focused on the messy, wonderful incredible journey of collaboration and creativity, rather than fixating on producing something that can be consumed.

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A Return
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

A Return

With all the countries have a chief focus on some sort of cup final I thought I had to do something productive to distract me from just watching the clock tick to kick-off! I focus well when I’m writing with a purpose and this blog is as much as settling my nerves as anything! Enjoy…

After what seems like years, I have the privilege to go to live devising sessions. It was so joyful! The whole Squeeze Box team were there and together we used experimental projections, sound and spoken word to create states and begin weaving some of the content into being. A hundred thank yous for Marissa at Cockington Court for allowing us to just play within the historical, culturally rich landscape. The Zoom before (there’ve been many Zoom – all productive, a platform to share ideas, schedule, plan and explore but lacking in so many ways) we plotted on the map the likely locations that projections would work. Basically a large surface area on a big building that is in shadow until the sun goes down – Cockington is full of big buildings that are in shadow – lot’s of hidden and wonderful nooks and crannies to explore. It takes many hours of fascinating exploration to see projections work on every available surface …from the old stables to rickety stairs, hidden rooms and ancient doorways.

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Beginnings of an R&D
lockdown 2021 Hugh Malyon lockdown 2021 Hugh Malyon

Beginnings of an R&D

I make no apology on beginning this blog as follows:

This blog is like a London Bus…… I’m going to spell it out!!

You wait ages for one and then 2 come along at once. Unlike the London bus – where you have to choose which bus to go for, you can have the ‘pleasure’ of reading both!! I have actually been feeling like I’m riding two buses. With the process of Still Suspended having been in an element of suspension, until its glorious release to the digital world last Friday and the groundwork being cemented for this new R&D, the feeling of being on two journeys has been strong!

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