Very, very
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

Very, very

There is some very very exciting news to announce and some equally as exciting news in the pipeline! Ultimately this blog is a bit of farce as I can’t announce the 2 x very exciting things yet. Please do stay tuned to @ymmv2020 on Facebook and Twitter - It is going to be huge, building upon the brilliant work we completed earlier this year with Exeter Northcott The Time is Now commission. We received loads of lovely comments on LifeInSuspension and although that ‘chapter’ is stored safely in our past projects folder, the inspiration, essence and community spirit feeds my ongoing practice. Did I say I have got some exciting news?

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The Abstract Field
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

The Abstract Field

After this pause, cycle on, barely green images of Devon, rolling hills, trees over fields. Animals grazing, feeding the system. Still though concrete - flattering earth, denying anything to come through. Grey with white designed to deny, but even in the impregnable design cracks as bits of weed escape. No matter how many times it is relaid, grass wins.

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Keeping What Matters
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

Keeping What Matters

In the past few days, my social media feed has been lit up with updates from Doorstep as they cautiously, responsibly but so much needed restart their ‘live’ engagement with the community of Torbay. I say restart, but like so many other inspiring and fundamental to peoples lives organisations, Doorstep Arts have continued despite everything to bring creativity….

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So Much to Announce

So Much to Announce

Take a deep breath: awarded the Jerwood Arts Development Bursary, recording Hanging Around and promoting the work, designing the new website, developing the new name, planning for the future, reflecting on the past, adapting to the web, subverting the lockdown, general activism, devising over Zoom and much more…

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Yeah a little later than promised, but here is Sophie's wonderful, powerful and fiery blog post. Part of the humungous blog, a couple of months ago now, which reflected on YMMV as a whole, we wanted to repost it. The wording definitely deserves to stand alone. After this blast from the past, I have scrawled a quick update in these very strange times.

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