The Biggest Impact Blog
Hugh Malyon Hugh Malyon

The Biggest Impact Blog

After an epic, amazing, very (Very) busy, deeply interesting, energised, creatively stimulating and poignant three or four weeks, two projects have come to their conclusion. There is always a sad, melancholy kind of feel at these times. The companionship with fellow artists mixed with a surge of energy and enthusiasm is a momentum building wave. It is stressful and worrying (probably needs rethinking with health and care point of view), but those emotions are swept along with pure excitement and aliveness. It is a spark, a shining in the eye, I get a strong image of my eyes twinkling like stars in my own imagination. There probably not, but that sense of falling over one’s thoughts because they are tumbling faster than language or imagery or computer processing power…..yeah people, I’m not on drugs, I was on two journey’s which felt so meaningful!

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