Bouncing Off the Walls – A YES from ACE

We did it, we did it! I cannot describe just how ecstatic Jen and I were when reading the ACE outcome letter – elevated even more when we phoned Squeeze Box artists to let them know this fantastic news. The sense of relief was quickly washed over by utter excitement. The simple fact that we can dream again rather than wade through engagement numbers, quality assurance, buzz words in character culls, etc, is one of the best feelings in the world. Maybe to help paint the image of why my smile did not leave my face all evening, let me take you through the agonising moments of receiving the email saying a decision was made, to me having to log on to Grantium to get the actual outcome. We were going to break for tea and I just happened to look back at my desktop to see the email pop up and we both.... froze.... looked at each other.  back to the screen... Jen’s excitement, my panic, our trepidation, my disappointment, Jen’s exhilaration, our terror.... back to the screen. All thoughts of hunger had truly left us! In the intervening time from finding out there was outcome to finding out what the result was, I was muttering: “at least we will know that we haven’t got the funding”, “we can start planning another application in earnest now”,  “I will feel happier knowing for sure that we didn’t get the funding rather than hoping – it’s hope that kills you” … that is how utterly convinced I was that we weren’t going to be awarded the grant! We had to open it there and then and screams and squeals of delight followed by happy tears, hugs, thanks and some very high-pitched phone calls……………

Tall man with brown beard and glasseslooks happy as he  hugs someone with lbrown hairand glasses, they are wearing a black top. The room has lots of tech equipment, a projector, and a ladder

So, the pistons are slowly setting up, the dusty gears are turning, energy and creativity are being produced – gradually positioning themselves to click into place soon! The Squeeze Box is opening again! To clarify the above, my belief there was no way we were going to be awarded the grant, (as stated in my last blog) was nothing to do with the quality of the text. Many amazing people put a lot of time and brilliance into shaping the beast – and I helped a little, I took out the full stop at the end of the bullet points, saving at least five characters. No, it was just the stark realisation that the arts landscape is as broken as most public services are at the moment – austerity has hit us hard, sucking culture, hope and opportunity away from present and future generations … apologies, always need to slip in the politics that holds us back, back to the celebrations!

Actually, to tell you the truth, I think we are a little early out the starting blocks – strictly speaking. The ACE guidelines say that all activity should be confined to the time scale set out – but I’m sure an early blog will be forgiven! The excitement of the news and momentum already built by sharing the ‘Yes’ from ACE cannot be contained for long.

And, what is this momentum? Well first of all, it is from our brilliant partners who helped us put together a really strong application – demonstrating to ACE that their funding allows us to reach disabled and minority communities and build platforms that everyone can create together. Here we go, with our brilliant host space Northcott; Wide Open, who are providing space in Paignton and something quite special (watch this space); CEDA are getting involved with the workshops alongside Project lights/Pelican project … Man, this is going to be a long sentence … Wellcome centre/Exeter Uni/Michael Flexer who is going to hold the evaluation process, Live Arts Development Agency (LADA) who will publish and host our evaluation, sharing it with the wider sector, Quarantine for ongoing artist mentorship and pure inspiration … No there is more … MakeTank helping to spread the word and a brilliant legacy from Squeeze Box 2023; more mentorship from CRIPtic Arts; South Devon University Centre working with their students to embed a care-centred approach in future generations and their process; as always FarFlung and The Media Workshop, with QED providing amazing equipment, Soundart Radio sharing the melody of Squeeze Box, and a sprinkle of Exeter City College, supporting with reaching students throughout the city……. And of course, Doorstep Arts, who are always totally amazing and supportive. Their belief in my practice (and maybe to get a bit soppy, their belief in me) is pretty much the reason why I’m able to write this blog at this stage in the first place!! … and take a breath …

Then there is the chatter on our group chat as core artists. The banter has been immensely enjoyable and we were able to have the most joyful zoom knowing that we had the resources to be in space together making again! It also brings smiles being able to do our letter of agreements (a light touch contact type thing, just laying it out the premise of the budget ahead). For the first time (apart from a little more admin time for Shelly and I) we’re all being paid the same. A smart budget might well divide people’s time, so that a project makes the most out of everyone’s energy and expertise. However, the way we have been able to work, respecting all of our different disciplines, and finding moments of spark, imagery and care in the overlaps. I feel like each artist makes the most out of the time in space together, we find the natural flow between ensemble work, individual craft and rest. All are now lifelong friends – they are so talented, professional and human, that they could pretty much take any work, platform or collaborations. Clair Sergeant from Farflung is just finishing their own ACE project, Shelley Hodgson is presenting their own work as well as producing dozens of projects, Tim Dollimore is quite literally well renowned, Jennifer Noice is in high demand for any organisation battling with applications, members of the public always come up to Steve Sowden as a local celebrity and Emma Jane Heap is all but impossible to pin down because she is always working on a mindboggling number of pieces!  

When we are all in the room, joined by just as brilliant outside eyes and associate artist, it is quite simply magical …. And this October, I get a whole 9 days to soak this all in!


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